The Guest Flow feature allows you  to create a very customized path that a guest takes when they connect to the Hotspot WiFi network. Think of it as a multi-layered splash page where an action button on a splash page can lead to another splash page, and so-on until the guest is delivered to the splash page where they connect using the methods enabled on the hotspot.

Before creating a Guest Flow you will need to create the Splash Pages you wish to use in the Guest Flow. The first pages in your flow should have no social login options available on them and use an action button. The Guest Flow profile will assign the proper action to each page. Provided below is an example of using the action buttons inside the Drag and Drop Splash Page editor.


To start creating a Guest Flow navigate to the dashboard and select > Hotspot > Guest Flow.

(If you don’t see the menu option, please contact support and we can enable for you if it’s included in your service plan).

You will be presented with your list of flows. You can Edit or Delete an existing guest flow, or you can Add a new guest flow.



You will need to assign a Client to the Guest Flow and give it a name. Then using the Splash Pages you created add them in order and select the proper action for each page.

After creating your Guest flow you’ll need to assign it to a hotspot.

In the hotspot list select edit on the hotspot you wish to add a Guest Flow to, and scroll down to the Splash Page selector.

In the top drop down menu select Guest Flow and then below select the Guest Flow you wish to use.

Be sure to submit your work to save changes and view your new Guest Flow with the “View Splash Page” option at the top of the edit hotspot page.